Tennis Racquets

Best tennis racquet for intermediate players

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Once you graduate to be a intermediate level player, the influence a racquet has on your game can be truly substantial. With this in mind, we review the best tennis racquet for intermediate players and several other top models currently available on the market.

Top 7 Best tennis racquet for intermediate players

If you’re in a hurry to get your hands on a new racquet, these are our top picks for the best tennis racquet for intermediate players.

How to choose the best tennis racquet for intermediate players

The following points will help you pick out the best tennis racquet for your needs as an intermediate-level tennis player.

Get a racquet with more control

When you’re at the beginner’s stage as a tennis player, your primary concern is likely generating enough power to rally the ball back over the net. Beginner-level tennis racquets come with a large head size because of the boost in power.

As you improve the quality of your game and graduate to the intermediate level, the quality of your swing will also improve. You will be able to hit the sweet spot with more consistency but what you still may be lacking is control. To win more rallies you will need to be able to place the ball consistently where you want.

You are looking for increased control and touch from a more advanced racquet. Intermediate level players should continue developing more control of their game as a priority. We also recommend looking for a racquet that will make it easier to apply additional spin to your shots. For these reasons, Wilson Clash 100 is a strong choice.

Consider getting a heavier racquet

While some people generally prefer playing with lighter racquets some like to switch to slightly heavier racquets as they develop and gain strength.

This is because heavier racquets offer a lot of power and control to the user, even if it comes at the cost of greater exhaustion from the players’ end. Heavier racquets are also worth considering if you want to avoid tennis elbow. This is why models, such as the Yonex EZONE 100, come with two weight options to match your preference.

Boost your spin game

Tennis isn’t a sport dominated by brute force, but deft touches play a huge part in dictating your success levels as a player. The art of applying spin to the ball is a vastly under-rated one, but intermediate players recognize how useful this shot can be when coming up against a quality opponent.

Some of the very best intermediate racquets, such as the Babolat Pure Aero, offer greater spin levels for the players. This comes down to the string patterns used in the racquet along with the general frame design. Make sure to pick out a racquet that’s been designed to help you boost your spin game.

Make sure you have the right grip

As the intensity and confidence of your game increases over time, you will need to make sure you retain a firm grip through the sweat and fury.

The ideal grip is highly subjective. It is based on the requirements of the player, but make sure to look for a model that feels solid and comfortable in your hands. 


The 7 Best Tennis Racquets for Intermediate Players

We’ve scoured through scores of models to come up with a list of reviews for the best tennis racquet for intermediate players. Using the features above, the following products should offer you everything you need in a racquet to improve your game.

wilson clash 100 tennis racquet for intermediate players

Wilson Clash 100

Wilson is one of the best tennis racquet manufacturers globally. The Wilson Clash 100 takes the top spot on our list for being one of their best offerings for intermediate players.

This model’s design takes the cake for being the best-in-class, offering immense control and flexibility. All thanks to the head-light balance that’s accentuated with the FreeFlex technology.  

This technology utilizes proprietary carbon mapping, which allows the frame to bend in the appropriate dimensions. This provides excellent ball pocketing and dwell time.

StableSmart frame geometry utilized in this racquet helps preserve the force of your swing by offering immense flexibility during the time of contact. It’s arm-friendly yet still offers spin and force. This all means the Wilson Clash is good for tennis elbow.

You can pick up this model in two versions based on your skill level. For intermediate players, the Clash 100 is ideal because advanced players can opt for the heavier Clash 100 Tour.

Some users have reported that the nature of the stringing used in this model means that this racquet lacks power.


  • Offers best-in-class control and flexibility.
  • Stability preserved thanks to the StableSmart frame geometry.
  • Available in two versions.


  • Stringing used lacks power.


Babolat Pure Aero tennis racquet for intermediate players

Babolat Pure Aero

Rafael Nadal famously uses the Babolat Pure Aero, and when a champion player roots for this racquet, you know that this model oozes quality.

In the 2019 edition of this model, the brand has some upgrades in terms of the racquet’s look and finish. The new look includes an attractive bright yellow exterior that’s accentuated with a black finish.

One of the reasons behind the success of this model is the Aeromodular beam construction that’s used to reduce the wind drag and increase the racquet head speed. This gives you more intensity and speed to hit the ball.

The 2019 model utilizes Babolat’s Cortex Pure Feel construction to help increase the responsiveness of the racquet and make it more arm friendly during contact. Additionally, carbon ply stabilizers have been utilized to help maximize your stability during your swing.

One of the issues highlighted by customers with this racquet is the fact that this model doesn’t include strings, and you need to have it strung on your own dime.


  • Aeromodular beam construction offers less wind drag.
  • Increased racquet head speed.
  • Visual upgrades with a bright yellow and black finish.
  • Carbon ply stabilizers.


  • Doesn’t come pre-strung.


Wilson Pro Staff RF97 Autograph

Wilson Pro Staff RF97 Autograph

This is the second Wilson racquet featured on our list, and this model is famous because Roger Federer himself has partnered with the brand to help redesign the racquet.

One of the major external changes in the model this year is the switch to a black and white exterior that offers it a classy yet minimal look.

If you’re a fan of Roger Federer, you’ll also appreciate the fact that this model includes an autograph of the master tennis pro as well.

The design changes ensure this model offers more pure playability than any of the other Pro Staff versions so far. The head size and open string pattern remain untouched as they were already near-perfect to begin with. 

This 16 x 19 pattern ensures that this model retains its pop, spin potential, and responsiveness for those who’re used to the earlier version.

Additionally, the extreme 12-point head light balance is meant to increase the maneuverability of this model. 

With a weight of 12.5 ounces, thanks to the use of braided graphite, this is one of the heftier racquets out there in this class. It’s ideal for experienced players who are used to handling this weight.


  • Remodeled by Roger Federer himself.
  • New black and white exterior.
  • Offers pure playability.
  • Extreme 12-point head light balance improves maneuverability.


  • Hefty racquet that’s not easy to handle for all players.


Head Graphene XT Radical Pro

Head Graphene XT Radical Pro

If you’re looking for something more lightweight, this is one of the lightest models created by the Head brand. The design of this racquet places the weight at the end of the frame, while keeping the throat area strong and light.

This racquet gets a major boost in its performance thanks to the adaptive string pattern utilized to offer greater spin and power to the user.

You have the option of switching the Radical Rev Pro between one of two string patterns. You can either opt for the 16 x 19 or the 16 x 16 pattern, based on your preference as a player.

With a weight of just 10.1 ounces, this is definitely one of the lightest racquets around in this class. Despite its ultra-lightweight exterior, the performance of this model is right up there with some of the greatest in the game, making this the ideal choice for those who prefer playing with lighter racquets.

The only disadvantage of using this racquet also comes down to the weight of this model. This is a lightweight model offering a slightly dampened response. Because of this you will need to generate power from your end to produce the same results.


  • The lightest model offered by the brand.
  • Good option for those suffering from tennis elbow.
  • The adaptive string pattern offers greater spin and power.
  • Can be strung using two distinct patterns.


  • Offers a slightly dampened response.


Yonex EZONE 100

Yonex EZONE 100

This model has received acclaim for being used by the famous player Victoria Azarenka and is an excellent choice for intermediate level players.

The Yonex EZONE 100 comes in two versions based on your weight preference as a player. The 10.5-ounce version offers a greater plow-through for players, while the 10-ounce option is ideal if you’re looking for improved shot depth.

A four-point head light utilized in this model offers greater balance to players while executing on a wide range of shots. With this racquet you can control the power increasing the confidence of your ball striking. 

Only one downside pops up when considering this racquet, and this is the stiff feeling when the ball hits off-center. However over time you will get used to this and adapt to the response.


  • Same model used by Victoria Azarenka.
  • Available in two size classes.
  • Four-point head light offers greater balance.


  • Stiff when it hits off-center.


Babolat Pure Strike tennis racquet

Babolat Pure Strike

Our second selection is the Babolat Pure Strike model designed for intermediate and advanced players. You can easily generate your own pace with this model, and it’s not difficult to create ample spin.

This racquet helps players execute shots with a higher level of precision. The frame is graphite to maximize durability.

A woofer dynamic strong system has been utilized by Babolat to increase the trampoline effect and produce greater shock absorption. 

A special hybrid frame features a mix of elliptical and square shapes to fine-tune the model’s responsiveness, feel, and precision. A unique low-density string bed increases the power, comfort, and spin offered by the racquet.

The only downside of this model is that some users have found the racquet to be a bit too light. This slight lack of stability can hurt your wrist as you try to generate greater power for each shot.


  • The 16 x 19 stringing pattern helps generate ample spin.
  • Soft and durable frame made of graphite.
  • A woofer dynamic string system offers greater responsiveness.


  • Some users find this racquet to be too light.


Wilson Ultra 100

Wilson Ultra 100

We have one last Wilson model to end our review roundup. This is because that’s how consistently great the racquets produced by this brand are. 

The WilsonUltra 100 model is one of the most versatile racquets on the market. This makes it a popular choice for players of all styles and levels.

The 16 x 19 string pattern is designed to help increase spin, control and power. It’s an ideal choice for players who enjoy baseline rallies and have a strong and well-placed serve.

Some users of this model felt there could be a little more control for precision shots. 


  • Versatile model suitable for players of all styles and levels.
  • Ideal for baseline players and strong serves.


  • Not the best for precision.


Conclusion: the best tennis racquet for intermediate players

Tennis is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful sports out there, especially for people who enjoy individual or dual-membered sports. To be able to play this game competently, you’ll always have to rely on a quality racquet.

Any one of the seven racquets reviewed above will help match your skills as an intermediate-level player. We recommend the Wilson Clash 100 as the best tennis racquet for intermediate players. The Wilson Clash 100 balance of power, spin and control it offers to players of various playing styles. With this fine racquet in hand, you will be an able to step onto the court with confidence.

We like the Wilson Clash 100 balance of power, spin and the control it offers to players of various playing styles

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